

Ordinary Members

Ordinary Members: Private Historic Houses Associations from EU Member States or from European States, which have diplomatic representation with the European Union.

Each Ordinary Member has one vote at the General Assembly.

Observer Members

Private Historic Houses’ Association or other types of related organisations which are not structured enough to become full members. Observer members are encouraged to become full members after two years in order to fully participate in the activities of the association.

Observer members have no rights to vote during the General Assembly.


  1. Knowledge sharing and networking:
  •  An average of 10 events organised every year at EU and regional level (workshops, high-level conferences, seminars, field trip etc.)
  1. Information and visibility:
  •  Bimonthly Newsletter
  •  Bimonthly article in “The Countryside Magazine” English/French/Spanish/Italian/German
  •  Yearly Activity Report
  •  EHH reports and briefs on meetings, news communications, policy papers
  1. Political activities:
  •  Regular meetings with EU institution representatives to defend EHH priorities;
  •  Constant monitoring of upcoming policies that are related to the interests of EHH members
  •  Creation of EHH documentation that supports lobby activities presenting the EHH and its aims on specific issues
  •  Participate as “official stakeholder” in several EU cultural heritage platforms (e.g. Stakeholders’ dialogue group “Voice of Culture”, Alliance 3.3 etc.)
    • Possibility to invite members to take part in the working groups (please contact us)
  •  Facilitate EHH members’ contact with EU institutions through EHH events and bilateral meetings
  1. Legal advice:
  •  Rigorous analysis of EU policies and legal texts
  •  EHH legal positions
  •  Support for individual cases and specific complaints[1]
  1. EU programmes:
  •  Increasing credibility and visibility of field activities with EU funded programmes
  •  Improving EU institutions relations and lobbying for EHH positions through EU funded programmes
  •  Sharing and acquiring expertise from project partners depending on the needs of EHH members
  •  Sharing expertise on European project management

[1] Researching and providing of contacts for legal defence.