Heritage Houses for Europe is the first Pan-European Study on family-owned heritage houses provinding hard facts on the sector and concrete tools for owners.
Through this Study, we gained an improved bottom-up understanding of the socio-economic contribution of these houses and how innovative models can support and help their sustainable preservation. The ultimate goal was to strengthen their position within our society, by reinforcing their owners’ skillset and capabilities, while also raising awareness of their value for European citizens and society as a whole. This Study formulates policy recommendations for the European Commission and other stakeholders on how they can support the sustainability of the sector in Europe. This project is an important first step and many more are required to preserve our common cultural heritage across Europe.
Results of the Study: Provides concrete data & hard facts on heritage houses in Europe
🏰 Assesses the contributions of heritage houses to society
💡 Studies innovative business models
֎ Provides policy recommendations
📙 Full Study & Executive Summary (EN, FR, DE)
Tools for owners
🛠 Toolkit for innovative business models
💸 Funding guide to European programs
🎨 Colour book for children
Official project website
This is a Preparatory Action of the European Parliament implemented by the European Commission. This project was granted in July 2018 to the consortium European Landowners’ Organisation, the European Historic Houses Association and IDEA Consult.
Project name: Open micro-business models for innovation in European family-owned heritage houses project. Project Number: EAC/2018/03
Get in touch with the project team: marie.orban@elo.org and l.maret@europeanhistorichouses.eu.